Sucrase‐isomaltase: A marker of foetal and malignant epithelial cells of the human colon

The presence of sucrase-isomaltase (SI), a glycoprotein hydrolase normally restricted to the brush border membrane of the enterocytes of the small intestine, was investigated in tumours which developed in nude mice inoculated with six human colon carcinoma cell lines (HT-29, Caco-2, HRT-18, HCT-8R, SW-480, and CO-115). Foetal and normal adult human small intestines and colons were used as controls. SI was studied by (I) immunofluores-cence with rabbit antibodies raised against purified human small intestine SI; (2) polyacrylamide gel elec-trophoresis and immunoblotting; and (3) determination of the enzyme activity. SI was antigenically present, and enzymatically active, in all the tumours derived from Caco-2 and HT-29 cells. The presence of the enzyme was associated with that of typical brush borders at transmission electron microscopy examination. SI was absent from the tumours developed with the other four cell lines, as well as from the normal adult colon mucosa. SI was also present and active in the colons of mid-gestation foetuses, ranging in ages between 20 and 28 weeks; it was absent from the colons of late-gestation foetuses. The presence of SI in tumours derived from two cell lines suggests that this enzyme is a marker, so far unsuspected, of certain human colon cancers, and that the differentiation pattern of these particular cancers closely resembles that of the foetal colon.