Excess thermodynamic functions of binary mixtures of normal and isomeric alkanes (C5 and C6)

Measurements of densities and total vapour pressures were made at 298.15 K for five systems: I, n-hexane + n-pentane; II, n-hexane + 2-methylpentane; III, n-hexane + 3-methylpentane; IV, n-hexane + 2,2-dimethylbutane; and V, n-hexane + 2,3-dimethylbutane. Molar excess volumes, vE, are negative and small for all five systems. The magnitude of vE diminishes with an increase in the amount of methyl branching. Molar excess Gibbs energies for second and third systems show a very small positive deviation from Raoult's law, whereas the remaining three systems deviate slightly in the negative direction. Analysis was made in terms of theories of solutions.