From time to time attention has been called to the untoward results following the extraction of teeth. The clinical-pathologic reports of three deaths, occurring within a short time after the removal of teeth, are presented to emphasize again the dangers associated with the extraction of teeth. REPORT OF CASES Case 1. —History. —A white man, farmer, aged 44, had had diabetes existing over a period of three years. The patient failed to follow dietary regulations during this period and lost about 25 pounds (11 Kg.) and became weak. He had considerable trouble with all of his teeth, and on April 20, 1920, had two molars removed under gas anesthesia. Four days later the remaining teeth were extracted under gas anesthesia. Considerable hemorrhage followed the extractions. During the next five days the patient became seriously ill and on May 1 became comatose. The family physician recognized the condition as one of