Credit is generally given to Codman1 for centering attention on and stimulating interest in the proper diagnosis and treatment of complaints referable to the region around the shoulder joint. As a result of a series of articles on the subject which he began in 1904 and culminated in his book on the shoulder in 1934, Codman has developed the clinical syndrome of subacromial bursitis and has given physicians a greater understanding of the differential diagnosis of the extra-articular lesion of the shoulder. He gave due credit to previous workers, including Duplay,2 Putman,3 Monks4 and Küster,5 for their contributions to the subject. He credited the monograph of Duplay with representing the knowledge previous to the publication of Küster's article and the latter author with opening a new era in the consideration of these lesions. The purpose of this paper is to present a clinical, roentgenographic and