Spheroplasts of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum were prepared from cultures grown in either the presence or absence of light. Cells were converted into spheroplasts by using lysozyme and Versene and fixed in a sucrose-veronal-acetate buffer mixture containing osmium-tetroxide. Some preparations were shadow-cast and examined whole; others were embedded in Epon-812 and sectioned. The action of lysozyme and Versene appears to result in removal of the cell wall in strips. The relationship of the chromato-phores to the cytoplasmic membrane is readily visualized in sections of broken spheroplasts, and in areas the chromatophores are seen to be continuous with the membrane. In all preparations examined, no definite connections between individual chromatophores were observed. In some cells large spherical granules were evident which either possessed or lacked a clearly visible limiting membrane. On serial sectioning, all granules appeared bounded by a single membeane 40-A wide. The granule membrane was well defined only if the section came from the center of the granule. Sections at other levels showed either a diffuse membrane or no membrane at all. The reasons for this are discussed.