Paramagnetic Anisotropy, Electronic Structure, and Ferromagnetism in Spin S = 32 Manganese(II) Phthalocyanine

Measurements are reported of magnetization and the average magnetic susceptibility of manganese (II) phthalocyanine in the range 1.7–300°K, which confirm that the Mn(II) atom is in an S = 3 / 2 spin state, and that weak ferromagnetic interactions are present in the crystal, presumably between adjacent molecules. Single crystals of MnPc are moderately anisotropic; the principal magnetic moment μ = 4.0 μB remains constant between 80–300°K while μ increases from 4.4 μB (300°K) to 5.0 μB (90°K). This magnetic anisotropy is consistent with a 4A2g ground state into which the excited term 4Eg is mixed by spin–orbit coupling. Possible pathways for superexchange are considered.