A Standardized, Short, and Comprehensive Neuropsychological Test Battery Based on the Luria Neuropsychological Evaluation

Neuropsychology has played an ever increasing role in neurological and psychiatric evaluations. However, the tests and test batteries available today suffer from a number of problems including an inordinate amount of time to administer, a lack of comprehensiveness, and a failure to yield information directly relevant to diagnosis and treatment. The current article presents a test battery which attempts to integrate two major approaches to neuropsychological testing: the qualitative and the quantitative methods. Each method has significant advantages and disadvantages, while an amalgamation of the two potentially offers a powerful alternative approach to neurodiagnostics. The battery presented in this paper is a standardized version of the comprehensive qualitative battery first described by Luria and recently published by Christensen. The resultant battery is comprehensive, yet can be given in 21/2 hours; it is standardized and quantitative, but yields a qualitative assessment as well. The present study attempts to investigate the general diagnostic effectiveness of the battery, comparing 50 brain-injured and 50 hospitalized control patients. The battery was found to be 93 % diagnostically effective, more successful than any other battery or test reported in the literature. The potential uses and advantages of the battery are described.