The Zeeman Effect of Lead II, III and IV

Zeeman Effect of Pb II, III and IV, have been studied at fields of about 40,000 gauss with the newly completed outfit at the Mendenhall Laboratory. Gieseler's results on Pb II are in general correct, although a few minor discrepancies have been found. The 6dD32 level shows an anomalous g-value which may be attributed to the fact that the 6dD2 levels are inverted, or to perturbations caused by neighboring configurations. In Pb III a similar perturbation is found in the 6s7p configuration. Here the g-sum of P13 and P11 is slightly higher than the theoretical value, while the P23 level, which should be unaffected by ordinary changes in coupling, yields a value 1.35 instead of 1.50.

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