The typical fraction of the space of interactions between each pair of N Ising spins which solve the problem of storing a given set of p random patterns as N-bit spin configurations is considered. The volume is calculated explicitly as a function of the storage ratio, alpha =p/N, of the value kappa (>0) of the product of the spin and the magnetic field at each site and of the magnetisation, m. Here m may vary between 0 (no correlation) and 1 (completely correlated). The capacity increases with the correlation between patterns from alpha =2 for correlated patterns with kappa =0 and tends to infinity as m tends to 1. The calculations use a saddle-point method and the order parameters at the saddle point are assumed to be replica symmetric. This solution is shown to be locally stable. A local iterative learning algorithm for updating the interactions is given which will converge to a solution of given kappa provided such solutions exist.