Complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization of a Drosophilatransposable genetic element, 297

The complete nucleotide sequence of 297, a Drosophila copia-like transposable element, was determined and compared with those of other similar Drosophila elements and mammalian retrovirus proviruses. It was found that 297 contains three long open reading frames, comparable in sizes and locations with gag, pol, and env genes in the proviruses of replication-competent retroviruses in vertrebrates. The first and second open reading frames of 297 exhibit sequence homologies to gag and pol, respectively, of Moloney murine leukaemia virus. In particular, as with 17.6, another Drosophila copia-like element, the second open reading frame of 297 was shown to be very similar in its entire organization to the retroviral pol gene and to consist of three enzymatic domains. By contrast, no appreciable homology was found between the third open reading frame of 297 and the retroviral env gene. It is also suggested that 297 and 17.6 are a peculiar pair of copia-like elements recently diverged from a common progenitor.