In vitro activity of seven beta-lactam antibiotics against strains of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare was evaluated by the agar dilution method. The activity was influenced by the presence or absence of Tween 80 in Dubos medium, and cephazolin and cefotaxime were effective against most strains in the presence of Tween 80. beta-Lactam antibiotics at low concentrations induced long filamentous cells with branching. In contrast to the filaments induced by ampicillin, in which septation was rarely observed, filaments induced by cephazolin had many septa, suggesting that the mechanisms of filament induction were different from the drugs used. At high concentrations, ampicillin and cephazolin induced osmotically sensitive cells with bulging at polar end of the cells. Analysis of penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) of the organism showed that there were at least nine PBPs with molecular weights between 32,000 and 94,000 in the cytoplasmic membrane. Ampicillin showed the highest affinity for PBPs 1a or 1b, or both, and also PBPs 3a or 3b, or both. In contrast, there was very little specificity of binding of cephazolin for any of the PBPs.