"Calcifying epithelioma" does not occur in the index of practically all English texts. An example of this entity recently came to our attention and is herewith described. REPORT OF A CASE Miss R. F., aged 30, white, a school teacher, consulted Dr. Richard L. Sutton Sr., on April 15, 1933. She complained of a small tumor on the radial aspect of the dorsum of the right forearm. This lesion was a hard, round nodule the size of a hazelnut (about 1 cm. in diameter) projecting as a red, flattened hemisphere about 3 mm. above the level of the surface of the arm. The skin overlying it was thin and shining, and of pale cherry color with a few dilated capillaries running over the protuberance. The margin curved gently into the surrounding normal tissue, and the redness faded abruptly at the edge. On palpation (and the finger-tips tell as much as