Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlation in the Decay of Chlorine-34

The directional angular correlation between the 1.16- and 2.10-Mev gamma rays which follow the decay of 32.4-minute Cl34 has been measured. Samples of Cl34 were produced in the cyclotron of the University of California, Los Angeles by the (p, pn) reaction and were produced in both solid and liquid form. Sodium iodide scintillation counters with subsequent pulse-height discrimination and standard coincidence techniques were used and the method was tested on the cascade of Ni60 giving satisfactory agreement with previous results. The results on S34, although not unambiguous, are consistent with the assignment of spin 2 and even parity to both the first and second excited states of S34 with the 1.16-Mev gamma ray being 1.7% electric quadrupole and 98.3% magnetic dipole radiation.