Motivated by the practical requirements of reactor-physics calculations as well as the necessity of applying inelasticity corrections to the observed spectrum in neutron-diffraction work on molecular gases and liquids, I have developed a synthetic scattering function T(Q,ω;E0) which allows a fast and reliable evaluation of cross sections. Unlike the dynamic structure factor (or scattering function) S(Q→,ω) in thermal neutron-scattering theory, T(Q,ω;E0) does not contain a detailed description of the atomic motions in the molecular units nor correlation between pairs, but rather it is intended to reproduce satisfactorily some integral properties of S(Q→,ω) (the self-component). However, the main characteristics of the molecular dynamics are retained through the introduction of an effective mass, and temperature and vibrational factors which depend on the incident neutron energy E0. This is achieved by the use of the Krieger-Nelkin procedure for orientational averages and by the introduction of ‘‘switching functions’’ P(E0) which define the variation with E0 of the above effective quantities. A very simple form is thus obtained for T(Q,ω;E0) which yields analytic expressions for the scattering kernel and the total cross section. To gauge the merits and limitations of this prescription I compared its predictions with experiments and other theories in the following cases involving hydrogen-containing molecules: (i) the total cross section of H2O and C6 H6; (ii) the scattering cross sections (angular distributions) of H2O and D2O at several energies; and (iii) the average of the cosine of the scattering angle in H2O. It is concluded from the comparisons that the model works in a very satisfactory way. It is anticipated that the present prescription could be a useful tool for the evaluation of departures from elasticity in time-of-flight experiments, where a wide range of neutron wavelengths may contribute at each channel in the observed diffraction spectrum.