An improved method for rearing horn flies, Haematobia irritans irritans (L.), on bovine hosts is reported in which adult flies were confined in cages fastened to the backs of stanchioned cattle. Survival of females was 75% per day and longevity averaged 3.5 days. Oviposition began when females were 2 days old. The number of eggs produced per female entering the population averaged 20.1, and a single female could produce up to 112 eggs in her lifetime. Immature survival averaged 48.9%. The generation growth rate was 4.91 females per female. Generation time was 20 days at 25°C. Approximately 1–3.8 g of manure per egg is recommended for larval rearing. Pupae can be stored at 10°C for up to 18 days with little loss in viability. Methods for using the life history information for optimizing rearing are discussed.