Some properties of the 7.1-MeV level of Na23 have been studied using the resonance fluorescence technique with the F19(p, α)O16* reaction serving as the source of Doppler-broadened radiation. By comparison with the (7.115±0.003)-MeV level of O16 the energy was determined to be 7.10±0.02) MeV. The angular distribution of the scattered radiation is W(θ)=1+(0.47±0.09)P2+(0.32±0.03)P4, which is consistent only with 52 for the spin. The values allowed for the quadrupole-dipole amplitude ratio, δ, are 1.8>δ>2.2 and 2.5<δ<3.0. Using this spin value and the results of the self-absorption measurement, the partial width for the ground-state transition becomes equal to Γ0=(0.62±0.07) eV. With the observed branching of 63% to the ground state, the total width becomes Γ=(0.98±0.12) eV. This large value of the width combined with the large value of δ defines the parity of the state as positive.