Elastic Scattering of Heavy Ions byPb206,Pb207, andPb208

The angular distributions of C12, N14, O16, and Ne20 elastically scattered by Pb206, Pb207, and Pb208 have been measured at laboratory energies of approximately 10.4 MeV/nucleon. The elastically scattered ions were recorded in photographic emulsions at laboratory angles from 17° to 175°. In general, measurements were extended only to angles where the ratio of the cross section to the Coulomb cross section, σσc, was greater than 0.2. In one case, the measurement was extended to a region where σσc1.2×105. The cross sections all exhibited a behavior similar to that previously reported for the same ions on Au197 and Bi209. Excellent agreement with the semiclassical strong absorption model was obtained. Nuclear interaction distances calculated by fitting the strong absorption calculations are consistent with r0=1.45 F, where R=r0(A113+A213).