The Two-Oscillator Circadian System of Tree Shrews (Tupaia belangeri) and Its Response to Light and Dark Pulses

The wheel-running activity rhythm of tree shrews (tupaias; Tupaia belangeri) housed in constant darkness (DD) phase-advanced following a 3-hr light pulse at circadian time (CT) 21. Dark pulses of 3 hr presented to tupaias in bright constant light (LL) did not induce significant phase shifts of the free-running activity rhythm, irrespective of the CT. In dim LL, tupaias showed simultaneous splitting of their circadian rhythm of wheel-running activity, nest-box activity, and feeding behavior. Light pulses of 6 hr and 2300 lux were presented to 13 tupaias with split wheel-running activity rhythms. These light pulses induced immediate phase shifts in the two components of the split rhythm in opposite directions. No differences were observed between the light-pulse phase response curves of the two components. Equally large immediate phase advances were induced in both components by light pulses of 230 lux, but not by 23 lux. The final phase shifts were small at all CTs. In two tupaias, activity rhythms transiently split and re-fused. Analysis of the relative position of the components in one of these indicates asymmetry in the coupling between the components.