The Evils of Medical Socialism The excessive claims for sickness benefit under the national health insurance act and their alarming increase have been described in previous letters. Sickness benefit claims of married women have risen between 1921 and 1927 by 106 per cent and disablement benefit by 159 per cent. Fourteen men in every thousand claimed sickness benefit in 1921; twenty-three in 1927. In a press interview a government official has in theDaily Chroniclethrown some light on the subject. "Physicians are afraid to lose patients," he said. "If they are strict in dealing with doubtful claimants, they know that these will move off to a physician with a reputation for greater leniency. In times of industrial depression a workman on short time often finds it more advantageous to take a rest under physician's orders and receive the society's benefit. Behind the present position of ever-growing sickness claims there