Current pheromonal, behavioural, and adult morphological studies force a reassessment of the genera Ctenopseustis Meyrick and Planotortrix Dugdale, which include endemic primary orchard leafroller horticultural pests. Ctenopseustis includes five species: obliquana (Walker) restricted [with spurcatana (Walker) transtrigana (Walker), turbulentana (Walker), ropeana (Felder & Rogenhofer), charactana (Meyrick) as synonyms]; herana (Felder & Rogenhofer), [with inana (Butler) as synonym]; servana (Walker) (synonymy as in Green & Dugdale 1982); fraterna Philpott; and filicis new species. The existence of a North Island entity morphologically similar but pheromonally distinct from sympatric obliquana, and morphologically distinct but pheromonally indistinguishable from allopatric herana is reported. Planotortrix is restricted to excessana (Walker) [with synonym biguttana Walker], octo new species, octoides new species, avicenniae new species, puffini new species flammea (Salmon), and notophaea (Turner). Two new genera are described: Apoctena, new genus for conditana Walker, n. comb, type species; flavescens Butler n. comb; clarkei Philpott n. comb; orthocopa Meyrick n. comb; orthropis Meyrick n. comb; persecta Meyrick n. comb; spatiosa Philpott n. comb; syntona Meyrick n. comb; tigris Philpott n. comb; and Leucotenes new genus, for the species coprosmae Dugdale (with Tortrix charactana auct., nec Meyrick, 1881, as synonym) n. comb.