Dividing cells of Spirogyra sp. were examined with both the light and electron microscopes. By preprophase many of the typical transverse wall micro-tubules disappeared while others were seen in the thickened cytoplasmic strands. Microtubules appeared in the polar cytoplasm at prophase and by prometaphase they penetrated the nucleus. They were attached to chromosomes at metaphase and early anaphase, and formed a sheath surrounding the spindle during anaphase; they were seen in the interzonal strands and cytoplasmic strands at telophase. The interphase nucleolus, containing 2 distinct zones and chromatinlike material, fragmented at prophase; at metaphase and anaphase nucleolar material coated the chromosomes, obscuring them by late anaphase. The chromosomes condensed in the nucleoplasm at prophase, moving into the nucleolus at prometaphase. The nuclear envelope was finally disrupted at anaphase during spindle elongation; at telophase membrane profiles coated the reforming nuclei. During anaphase and early telophase the interzonal region contained vacuoles, a few micro-tubules, and sometimes eliminated n ucleolar material; most small organelles, including swollen endoplasmic reticulum and tubular membranes, were concentrated in the polar cytoplasm. Quantitative and qualitative cytological observations strongly suggest movement of intact wall rnicrotubules to the spindle at preprophase and then back again at telophase.