Scattering of High-Energy Electrons by Nitrogen-14 and -15

Cross sections of elastic and inelastic electron scattering at incident electron energies of 250 and 400 MeV are presented. Data are given for elastic and inelastic scattering from N15 and elastic scattering from N14. The data are analyzed with the use of the shell model, in Born approximation. The rms radius of N14 is found to be 2.64 F at 400 MeV. The rms radius of N15 at 250 and 400 MeV is 2.65 and 2.63 F, respectively. Excited levels in N15 at 5.3, 6.3, and 7.3 MeV are studied. Values of the nuclear transition probabilities are presented for these levels. The spin and parity assignments made are Jπ=52+ and Jπ=12+ for the doublet at 5.3 MeV. The 6.3-MeV level is assigned Jπ=32. Of the triplet of levels at 7.3 MeV, only the 7.3- and 7.5-MeV levels are strongly excited. These agree with Jπ=32+ and Jπ=72+, respectively.