Histological sections taken from Egyptian mummies showed connective tissue sufficiently preserved so as to distinguish between collagenic and elastic fibers. In cartilage some distorted bundles of collagenic tissue were recognized but no cartilage cells. In bone the collagenous matrix was preserved. In muscle and nerve only the sarcolemma and perineurium could be identified. The only cellular elements noted were the red blood corpuscles which together with the connective fibers retained typical staining reactions. In Swedish skeletons,those in dry earth (gravel) showed best preservation. Among the structures observed were articular cartilage and stainable remnants of cartilage cells. In spongy bone, bone-marrow cells were seen, and in Haversian canals of compact bone blood vessels and red blood corpuscles. Bone cells and intravascular leucocytes could be differentiated in cadaver material buried for 1 yr.