Energy Levels ofSe76Appearing in Disintegration ofAs76

The radiations from As76 have been studied by means of a thick lens magnetic spectrometer and a scintillation coincidence spectrometer. Five gamma rays of energies 0.55 Mev, 0.64 Mev, 1.20 Mev, 1.40 Mev, and 2.05 Mev were observed by measurement of the photospectrum and they were fitted into a disintegration scheme with data obtained from gamma-gamma and beta-gamma scintillation coincidence measurements. The beta-ray spectrum was measured and the data treated by Fermi plot analysis; the end point, branching ratio, and logft values found for each beta ray component are as follows: 2.965 Mev, 2.41 Mev, 1.76 Mev, and 0.36 Mev; 50.5 percent, 31.0 percent, 16.0 percent, and 2.5 percent; 8.4, 8.2, 7.9, and 5.6, respectively.