Neutron Cross Section of Xenon-135 as a Function of Energy

The neutron cross section of Xe135 as a function of energy was measured, using as velocity selector a focusing-type single-crystal spectrometer designed for transmission measurements of very small samples. The total cross section in the energy interval from 0.015 ev to 0.20 ev was measured. The samples, produced from neutron irradiated uranium metal, were in the form of PdI2 and were contained in sealed Pyrex capillary tubing. The largest initial strength of the samples was 10 curies of I135 activity, corresponding to 12×1015 atoms of I135. The daughter Xe135 grew from the I135 as a known function of time, reaching a maximum value of about 5×1015 atoms of Xe135 11.3 hours after the I135 begins to decay. In the absolute assay of sample strengths, absolute β counting of pure I135 samples, and βγ coincidence counting of pure Xe135 samples served as primary standards. Hard gamma rays from I135 served as a secondary standard. The total cross section of one entire sample of Xe was of the order of 1.5 square millimeters. The transmission of the sample was measured during the period of growth and decay of the Xe. The radioactive sample was placed inside the shield of the ORNL graphite reactor. A thermal beam of neutrons from the reactor was allowed to pass longitudinally through the sample along the axis of the capillary tube onto the quartz crystal spectrometer. The desired energies were selected by use of the Bragg reflection law, λ=2dsinθ. A resonance in the cross section of Xe135 was discovered at 0.085 ev. The total cross section measurements were fitted to the single-level Breit-Wigner formula equally well with the following two sets of parameters: g=38, E0=0.0851±0.0011 ev, Γn0=0.0305±0.0008 ev, Γγ=0.0828±0.0031 ev; g=58, E0=0.0849±0.0010 ev, Γn0=0.0182±0.0005 ev, Γγ=0.0942±0.0032 ev. E0 is the resonance energy, Γn0 is the neutron width at resonance, Γγ is the gamma ray width of the level, and g is the statistical weight factor. The factor g has two possible values because the spin of the compound state is not known. The capture cross section at resonance for state with g=58 is 55% of the theoretical maximum possible, and the corresponding capture cross section for the state with g=38 is 80% of the theoretical maximum value.

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