The modulatory influence of hypothalamic structures on sinus nerve induced bradycardia was investigated in anaesthetized cats. Stimulation of the hypothalamic defence area inhibits the bradycardia produced by sinus nerve stimulation both in intact animals and also in animals with the spinal cord sectioned at C1 or C6. This inhibition was accompanied in the normal animal by an increased sympathetic discharge and by a sustained inspiration or tachypnoea. The same respiratory effects were noted in a spontaneously breathing C6 spinal animal, while an artificially ventilated C1 spinal animal still displayed a powerful central inspiratory drive in its recurrent laryngeal electroneurogram. The presence of central inspiratory activity was found to be an absolute impediment to the development of bradycardia. If this activity was eliminated by simultaneous stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve, it was possible to obtain bradycardia during combined sinus nerve and hypothalamic defence area stimulation, though this bradycardia was modified by the presence of sympathetic discharge. The level of sympathetic neural discharge affects the magnitude of the bradycardia produced by sinus nerve stimulation. The bradycardia was less with normal or augmented level of sympathetic activity and was greater if this activity was reduced or absent. A lesion just caudal to the mammillary bodies disclosed a tonic hypothalamic influence both on respiration and on sympathetic discharge; stimulation of the sinus nerve produced a much more powerful bradycardia after the lesion. The existence of a respiratory "gate" through which afferent stimuli pass on their way to the nucleus ambiguus, and which can be operated by the hypothalamic defence and depressor areas, is postulated and discussed.