Rotational Excitation and Electron Relaxation in Nitrogen

Using the expression given by Gerjuoy and Stein for the cross section for excitation of rotational states in N2 by monoenergetic electrons, an exact expression for the average electron energy loss rate, dWedt, is derived in the case of a Maxwellian velocity distribution. The results are used in the interpretation of cross-modulation experiments performed at microwave frequencies in an afterglow discharge. Computed results are presented for several gas temperatures, T, in the range 300-735°K with the electron temperature, Te, being a running variable within 250°K of the gas temperature. It is seen that dWedt varies linearly with (TeT), when Te is less than 10% in excess of T; and that the slope, proportional to the inverse electron relaxation time τ, decreases as T12. This is also predicted by an approximate, closed form representation of dWedt, which agrees extremely-well with the exact computation. The experimental data on τ, found by microwave cross-modulation techniques, agree well with theory. Using Pack and Phelps' relationship between the electron momentum transfer collision frequency νm, and Te, it is found that the G factor varies at Te32, with GGclassical ranging from 55.9 at 300°K, to 14.3 at 735°K.