Isotopic Thermal Diffusion Factors for Helium and Neon at Low Temperatures

With an all-metal “swing separator” having unique features, thermal diffusion factors αT for He3/He4 and Ne20Ne22 have been measured with improved accuracy down to average gas temperatures T̅=136°K. For helium αT is 0.0696 ± 0.0010 at 136°K, dropping gradually to 0.0651 ±0.0010 at 313°K. These data, plus measurements by Van der Valk and de Vries at somewhat higher temperatures, agree best with values predicted by an exp-six intermolecular potential with ε/k=9.16 and α=12.7. We are extending these helium measurements down to T=4°K for the lower temperature, to detect if possible quantum corrections to the intermolecular potential. For neon αT increases from 0.0166 ± 0.0010 at 136°K to 0.0233 ± 0.0020 at 310°K, considerably higher than our previously reported values. These T. D. factors for neon are in good agreement with values calculated from an exp-six potential with ε/k = 46.0 ± 0.6 and α=13.