Ferromagnetic order in a Fe(110) monolayer on W(110) by Mössbauer spectroscopy

Ferromagnetic order in Fe(110) monolayers on W(110) was analyzed with use of conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy. The Ag-coated monolayer is ferromagnetic up to TC(1)=296 K=0.28TC(∞). The gross shape of Bhf(T) resembles that of bulk material. Bhf(0) is reduced to 11.9±0.3 T. In the critical region 275 K≤T≤295 K, a continuous transition from a magnetic to a nonmagnetic component takes place. For the uncoated monolayer, the ground-state hyperfine field and Curie temperature are reduced to Bhf(0)=10±1 T and TC(1)=210 K=0.20TC(∞), respectively.