Studies on soils from three major soil groups in Alberta showed relatively high content of replaceable bases with normal calcium, magnesium and sodium-potassium ratios. The A2 horizon of the wooded soils was lowest in replaceable bases and indicates excessive leaching. Excessive leaching has not occurred in any of the horizons of the brown and the black soils. Losses by leaching in the brown and black soils have resulted mainly from the movement of water-soluble cations.Movement of base-exchange complexes from the A2 horizon of the wooded soils was apparently due to dispersion rather than disintegration. The excess SiO2 in the A2 horizon has resulted from disintegration of feldspars rather than from the breaking up of the base-exchange complex.Greater proportions of hydrolytic acidity were found in the A2 and B1 horizons of the wooded soils than in the black soils.The wooded soils appear to belong to the podsol group according to the Gedroiz system of classification.