The absorption of positive pions by liquid deuterium has been studied with scintillation counters, using a collimated pion beam from the Chicago synchrocyclotron. The differential cross sections for the production of protons at angles of 35°, 45°, 60°, and 90° are 1.189±0.076, 0.926±0.058, 0.643±0.061, and 0.442±0.052 millibarns per steradian at 94 Mev and 1.010±0.102, 0.718±0.081, 0.431±0.073, and 0.300±0.058 millibarns per steradian at 76 Mev in the center-of-mass system. The angular distribution can be represented by a+cos2θ with the following values of a:0.268±0.089 at 76 Mev and 0.388±0.082 at 94 Mev. The total cross sections are 7.38±1.21 millibarns at 76 Mev and 9.70±1.03 millibarns at 94 Mev.