The static and dynamic magnetic response of the two-dimensional Edwards-Anderson model with a nearest-neighbor Gaussian exchange distribution is investigated by Monte Carlo simulation. A plateau in the equilibrium (slowly field cooled) susceptibility MeqH is found, which diverges for small fields with a power law MeqHH1Δ, Δ=3.5±0.5. The boundary of the plateau Hceq(T) tends to zero temperature as Hceq(T)TΔ, consistent with a scaling description appropriate for a static phase transition at T=0, and the associate scaling function is estimated. Surprisingly the data also are consistent with a scaling representation with nonzero freezing temperatures Tf, in striking similarity to experimental data, but Tf=0 is shown to be the correct choice. The zero-field-cooled susceptibility starts to differ from MeqH below a certain critical field Hc(t), t being the time scale over which the field is applied. In the HT plane Hc(t) extrapolates to a time-dependent freezing temperature Tc(t), and closely resembles the de Almeida—Thouless line. A tentative interpretation of these findings is attempted by combining scaling considerations with the reorientation of correlated clusters which have the size of the correlation length describing Edwards-Anderson order. The reduction of the free-energy barriers due to the magnetic field is treated in analogy with the interface free-energy reduction of ferromagnets in random fields.