If one expands the structure factor equation in spherical coordinates, rotational averaging of the molecular Fourier transform, which leads directly to the solution scattering profile, is greatly simplified. It becomes a projection in the polar and azimuthal angular variables. The profile is given by The index j runs over all atoms; r, θ, ϕ are atomic coordinates and ε and N are constants; the Ym,n are complex spherical harmonics, and Jn are spherical Bessel functions; R = 2 sin θ/λ. The effects of solvent have been modeled by subtracting from each protein atom a properly weighted water. Hydrogens have been included by using scattering curves fj derived from the spherical averaging ofprotein atoms with their attached hydrogens. This approach may also be satisfactory for neutron scattering. Published scattering profiles2 for lysozyme and BPTI have been accurately matched in less than one-tenth the time required by other methods. Separate, adjustable temperature factors for the protein, solvent waters, and bound watersare used, and appear to be needed. In the case of BPTI, as suggested by NMR observations, the observed diffraction pattern was much better accounted for by including only 4 tightly bound waters rather than the roughly 60 seen by crystallography.