Magnetic Resonance Imaging After 'Diffuse' Nonmissile Head Injury

• The diagnosis of diffuse brain injury is considered when computed tomography provides no evidence of an intracranial mass lesion in acute nonmissile head injury. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a young woman who had sustained severe diffuse brain injury five years earlier disclosed multifocal lesions involving the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. We report the results of serial neurobehavioral assessment for clinical correlation with the brain lesions visualized by MRI. Pending confirmation of our findings in a series of patients studied by MRI during the acute and chronic stages of recovery from head injury, we postulate that the presence and type of neuro-behavioral sequelae of diffuse brain injury are related to the intrahemispheric loci of predominantly white matter lesions and degeneration.