Survival of Trichomonas vaginalis in Vaginal Discharge.

The material used was collected directly from 50 untreated patients with Trichomonas vaginitis. Two portions were pipetted from each positive discharge. One was immediately inoculated into a standard culture medium, serving as a control, while the other was transferred, for exptl. study, to the enamel surface of a small wooden block. Each droplet of discharge was examined microscopically for active trichomonads at intervals of 10, 20, 30, and 45 min., and also of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 hrs., while at identical times a similar amount was transferred to a tube of culture medium, and observed after 48 hrs. of incubation for active flagellates. There was a gradual diminution in survival of the trichomonads as the time increased. All 50 droplets examined at the 45-min. intervals showed motile trichomonads, while at the 6-hr. period only 2 remained positive. All were negative at the 7-hr. interval. There was very little difference observed between the number of samples in which active trichomonads occurred in direct smear and the number established in culture. Trichomonads which exhibit motility following the observed period of standing within the drying droplet of vaginal discharge, with one exception, were also capable of multiplying in culture. Results indicate that T. vaginalis may contaminate a fomite and survive under natural conditions for a sufficient length of time to permit transfer to another individual.