A Large Family of Class III Plant Peroxidases

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Class III plant peroxidase (POX), a plant-specific oxidoreductase, is one of the many types of peroxidases that are widely distributed in animals, plants and microorganisms. POXs exist as isoenzymes in individual plant species, and each isoenzyme has variable amino acid sequences and shows diverse expression profiles, suggesting their involvement in various physiological processes. Indeed, studies have provided evidence that POXs participate in lignification, suberization, auxin catabolism, wound healing and defense against pathogen infection. Little, however, is known about the signal transduction for inducing expression of the pox genes. Recent studies have provided information on the regulatory mechanisms of wound- and pathogen-induced expression of some pox genes. These studies suggest that pox genes are induced via different signal transduction pathways from those of other known defense-related genes.