Corrélation entre modifications de l’affinité de l’hémoglobine pour l’oxygène et métabolisme anaérobie au cours de l’exercice musculaire chez 20 silicotiques

This study investigated the changes in hemoglobin affinity for oxygen – P50 standard [P50 (7.40)]; P50 in vivo (P50 IV), and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate concentration (2,3-DPG) – and the anaerobic metabolism during a short muscular exercise in 20 silicotic patients. P50 (7. 40) and 2,3-DPG remained unchanged at the end of the exercise but P50 IV increased significantly. A negative correlation was found between the increase in the arterial lactates and the increase in P50 IV. Such a shift to the right of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve probably improves the tissular oxygenation and can be regarded as a compensatory mechanism in patients with pulmonary impairment during exercise.

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