Chemistry of polynuclear compounds. Part XIV. Hexanuclear carbidocarbonylruthenium compounds

The compounds Ru6C(CO)17 and Ru6C(CO)14(arene)(arene = Me3C6H3, m-Me2C6H4, or MeC6H5) have been prepared by the reaction of Ru3(CO)12 with the appropriate arene. The parent carbonyl Ru6C(CO)17 has also been prepared by heating Ru3(CO)12 under reflux in n-octane or n-nonane. The hydrides H2Ru4(CO)13 and β-H4Ru4(CO)12 were also products of this reaction indicating that hydrogen abstraction from the alkane has occurred. On the basis of mass spectral studies the new compounds are formulated as ‘carbide’ compounds of the class first exemplified by Fe5(CO)15C. Their n.m.r. and i.r. specrta are discussed in the light of the known structure of the mesitylene compound.