Deuterons have been observed from the reaction N14(p, d)N13, produced by 18.7-Mev protons. The deuterons were distinguished from proton background by a thin NaI crystal in a scintillation counter with the crystal thickness equal to the deuteron range. The angular distribution of deuterons to the N13 ground state was fitted by a curve calculated from Butler's theory for an angular momentum transfer ln=1. This shows that the ground states of N13 and N14 have opposite parity and is consistent with the assignment of 1 + to the N14 ground state. The reduced width for the ground state transition is in qualitative agreement with that calculated using an independent-particle shell model with some indication that the N14 ground state is largely a D state. The transition N14(p, d)N13* to the first excited state of N13 was not observed. The experimental upper limits on its cross section give upper limits of a few percent probability for admixtures of the configurations p8s2 and p8sd in the N14 ground state. Application to the lifetime of C14 is discussed.

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