O(4)Symmetry and the Regge Trajectory of the Pion

An off-shell generalization of O(4) symmetry is developed, which is applicable to unequal-mass reactions involving arbitrary spins. The symmetry breaking at t0 is also investigated. These methods are used to analyze the hypothesis that the pion Regge trajectory has the Toller quantum number M=1 at zero momentum transfer, as seems to be implied by high-energy photoproduction data. We find that if this hypothesis is correct, then the pion trajectory is necessarily quite complicated. The M=1 trajectory must mix with another trajectory. The N¯Nπ vertex function then shows a zero near t=0, in agreement with some fits to high-energy data, but this zero is factorizable. Moreover, a model is exhibited that seems consistent with the hypothesis of partially conserved axial-vector current.