Tissue residues of dietary cadmium in wood ducks

One-week-old wood ducks were fed cadmium in diets containing 18 or 30% protein for a period of three months. Seven drakes from each group were sacrificed, and blood, brain, muscle, kidney, liver, and wing feather tissues were collected and analyzed for cadmium. Highest cadmium concentrations were found in the kidney, liver, and feather tissues; blood, muscle, and brain cadmium residue levels were undetectable. Except in the kidney tissue, protein level of the diet did not affect cadmium residue levels. For birds that were changed to a cadmium-free, high-protein ration at 13 weeks of age, regression analysis indicated a significant decrease in cadmium residue levels for the kidney tissue only. Growth, as measured by body weight at 13 weeks of age, was not affected by the various cadmium treatment levels. Histopathological examination revealed lesions in the kidney tissues of the 100 ppm cadmium treatment groups, which were more severe in those birds receiving the 18% protein diet. Vacuolation of the pancreatic acinar cells was observed in all groups, but tended to occur more frequently in the higher cadmium level groups.