The general properties of large scale solar magnetic fields are reviewed. In order of size these are: (1) Active region, generally bipolar fields with a lifetime of about two solar rotations. These are characterized by fields of several hundred G and display differential rotation similar to that found for the photosphere. (2) UM regions which appear to be the remnants of active region fields dispersed by the action of supergranulation convection and distorted by differential rotation. These are characterized by fields of a few tens of gauss and have lifetimes of several solar rotations. (3) The polar fields which are built up over the solar cycle by the preferential migration of a given polarity towards the poles. The poloidal fields are of a few gauss in magnitude and reverse sign in about 22 yr. (4) The large scale sector fields. These appear closely related to the interplanetary sector structure, cover tens of degrees in longitude, and stretch across the equator with the same polarity. This pattern endures for periods of up to a year or more, is not distorted by differential rotation, and has a rotation period of about 27 days. The presence of these long enduring sector fields may be related to the phenomenon of active solar longitudes. The consequences of large scale fields are examined with particular emphasis on the effects displayed by the corona. Calculated magnetic field patterns in the corona are compared with the density structure of the corona with the conclusion that: (1) Small scale structures in the corona, such as rays, arches, and loops, reflect the shape of the field and appear as magnetic tubes of force preferentially filled with more coronal plasma than the background. (2) Coronal density enhancements appear over plages where the field strength and presumably the mechanical energy transport into the corona are higher than normal. (3) Coronal streamers form above the ‘neutral line’ between extended UM regions of opposite polarity. The role played by coronal magnetic fields in transient events is also discussed. Some examples are: (1) The location of Proton Flares in open, diverging configurations of the field. (2) The expulsion of ‘magnetic bottles’ into the interplanetary medium by solar flares. (3) The relation of Type IV radio bursts to the ambient field configuration. (4) The guiding of Type II burst exciters by the ambient magnetic field. (5) The magnetic connection between widely separated active regions which display correlated radio bursts.