Nucleon-nucleon partial-wave analysis to 1 GeV

Comprehensive analyses of nucleon-nucleon elastic-scattering data below 1 GeV laboratory kinetic energy are presented. The data base from which an energy-dependent solution and 20 single-energy solutions are obtained consists of 5207 pp data below 1.2 GeV and 5283 np data below 1.1 GeV. The solutions are characterized by tightly constrained "resonancelike" structure in the D21 and F33 partial waves. No other partial waves exhibit such structure below 1 GeV; in particular, we see no isoscalar resonances. We describe how the full data base and solution files can be accessed through a computer interactive dial-in system [scattering analyses interactive dial-in (SAID)] at VPI&SU, which also exists at several institutions around the world and which can be transferred to any site with a suitable computer system. The SAID system can be used to modify solutions, plan experiments, and obtain any of the multitude of predictions which derive from our partial-wave analyses of the world data base.