Maturation of a Stress-Activated Mechanism Inhibiting Induction of Tyrosine Transaminase

Rats of various ages were subjected to the stress of 30 minutes on a noisy reciprocating shaker 4 hours before their liver tyrosine transaminase and tryptophan pyrrolase activities were measured. Adrenalectomized infants and adults and hypophysectomized adults were also stressed. Intact, stressed infants exhibited an increase in tyrosine transaminase activity, while intact, stressed adults showed no change. In the stressed adrenalectomized adult, tyrosine transaminase activity markedly decreased, while adrenalectomized infants showed no change. Hypophysectomy largely, but not completely, abolished inhibition in the adults. Tryptophan pyrrolase activity, when present, was increased by stress in all age groups, but the increase was abolished by adrenalectomy and hypophysectomy. The results suggest stress-activation of a pituitary mechanism that inhibits or represses activation of tyrosine transaminase and that may not function during early postnatal life.