Percutaneous Transthoracic Needle Aspiration of the Lung

• Percutaneous transthoracic needle aspiration was performed on 228 occasions to obtain lung specimens from 202 patients with suspectedPneumocystis cariniipneumonitis. In 121 patients the diagnosis was established by identifyingP cariniiorganisms in lung aspirates. Six patients whose aspirates did not containP cariniiwere found to have the organism at autopsy. Findings from toluidine blue O and Gomori methenamine silver nitrate stains were equally satisfactory for detectingP carinii, but the percentage of specific diagnosis was higher when specimens were stained with both. Pneumothorax that required a thoracotomy tube occurred in 39 patients. Other infectious agents, either bacteria or fungi, were found in only four patients. Percutaneous pulmonary needle aspiration—when performed under fluoroscopic guidance—is a rapid and effective method for the diagnosis ofP cariniipneumonitis. (Am J Dis Child131:902-907, 1977)