The inelastic electron-electron scattering time τin1 due to paramagnon exchange in disordered metals was recently calculated perturbatively in two dimensions by Chang and Abrahams for systems near a magnetic instability [(1-Ī)1≫1 where (1-Ī)1 is the Stoner enhancement]. In the present paper τin1 is reexamined in three dimensions. When Tτ<1-Ī (τ is the elastic lifetime), the usual (Tτ)3/2 law, well known in unenhanced systems, is recovered, multiplied however by (1-Ī)3/2. When 1-Ī<Tτ<1, a regime more accessible to experiments when Ī is close to 1, τin1 switches to linear behavior (1-Ī)1(Tτ). Another linear-T term should also arise even at very low temperature from diagrams neglected by Chang and Abrahams and considered by Isawa. In our case these extra terms will be enhanced by a factor (1-Ī)1. The resulting temperature dependence of the localization contribution σL to the conductivity σ∝1- √τ/τin, may thus become nonnegligible compared to (and in competition with) the comtribution due to interactions, σI,L. .AE