Otitic infections due to Bacillus coli or the related enteric organisms are rarely reported. Judging from the scanty literature, the mortality rate is high. It seems justifiable, therefore, to present another case of otitic infection due to B. coli, complicated by mastoiditis and sinus thrombosis, in which bacteremia supervened and recovery occurred. REPORT OF CASE E. S., a white man 30 years of age, came to my office on Sept. 28, 1932, complaining of pain in the right ear, slight aural discharge, mild headache on the right and general weakness. History.—The onset of his complaints dated back four months, when he noticed a purulent discharge from the right ear. After treatment for six weeks, the ear became dry. Five days before seeing me he had chills, fever, nausea, earache on the right and a slight headache. These symptoms were severe enough to force him to go to bed. Since there