Spectral theory of diffraction of electromagnetic waves by a strip in the plane interface of two semi-infinite media

The diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a cylindrical strip in the plane interface of two semi-infinite media has been investigated. For both the case of E polarization and the case of H polarization, the scattered field is written as a continuous superposition of plane waves (spatial Fourier type of integral). The complex amplitudes of these waves are directly related to the spatial Fourier transform of the surface current on the strip. In order to determine the surface current, a relatively simple iteration scheme has been developed. At the numerical calculations we successfully take advantage of the presence of a Fast Fourier Transform procedure. Numerical results pertaining to the power flow density are presented at different locations and as a function of the width of the strip. Furthermore, the scattering cross section of the strip, as a function of the electromagnetic contrast of the different media, is calculated.