Crystals of 1,4-dibromonaphthalene are monoclinic with eight molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a = 27.45, b = 16.62, c = 4.09 Å; β = 91.9°; space group P21/a The high proportion of bromine in the crystal probably precludes location of the carbon atoms with sufficient precision to give accurate molecular dimensions, and it has therefore not been considered worth while proceeding beyond the detailed examination of the projection along the short c-axis. There are two molecules in the asymmetric unit, and the solution of the structure from hk0 Patterson and Fourier projections has indicated that these two molecules are related, at least in projection, by a pseudo center of symmetry. The projected bond distances indicate significant deviations of the bromine atoms from the aromatic plane. Approximate values of the bond lengths in the molecule have been deduced from the projected distances and estimated orientation angles.