(Concluded Concluded from page 288 ) DISEASES DUE TO HYPHOMYCETES Fungi of several kinds, which are the causes of the different trichophytoses of man and animals, have been investigated recently by Bloch with regard to their allergic reactions. I wish to summarize and explain the results of his studies from my point of view. Action of a Primary Infection in Guinea-pigs. —AA small amount of pure culture re of a tri trichophyton is rubbed vigorously into the shaved skin. After an incubation time of four to six days ays (the tra traumatic reaction disappears within the first two days), a circumscribed inflammatory redness appears, gaining in size during the next few days. The focus becomes intensely infiltrated and somewhat elevated, and from the sixth to the eighth day the first typical shields appear. These increase in size and depth, but finally become a compact, reddish plate on an infiltrated background.